Legal Notices
The hotel: Oh la la! Hotel Bar
Address: 6 rue de la Roquette, 75011 Paris
Company: SAS HBB
Address: 32 rue de Bagnolet, 75020 Paris
RCS: Paris 834 944 985
VAT number: FR87834944985
Share capital: €1,300,000
Mediation - Dispute resolution
In accordance with article L. 156-1 of the French Consumer Code, Oh la la ! Hotel Bar offers its customers a consumer mediation system by joining the industry mediation system, MTV - MEDIATION TOURISME ET VOYAGE.
After contacting the hotel's customer service department, and in the absence of a satisfactory response within 15 working days, the customer may refer the matter to the "Médiateur du Tourisme et du Voyage", whose contact details and procedures are available on its website:
European Union website for dispute resolution.
Site publishing director
Mr Julien Trollet - President
In accordance with Articles 39 et seq. of the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, amended in 2004, any person may obtain access to and, where appropriate, rectification or deletion of information concerning him or her, by contacting:
Hotel website
Company: Influence Society
Telephone: +33 6 31 92 27 53
SIRET: 824 023 063 00020
Intracommunity VAT number: FR48824023063
Legal form: Société par action simplifiée
Code APE: 7311Z
Share capital: 5.000€
Photo credits: Fabrice Rambert
Design: Bastien Ribeiro - Howard Studio
Translation: LC Lingua, multilingual translations,
Company: Webflow
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